The EXECUTOR or ECHO KEYLLER is a strange little toy you may remember from way back. It makes 8 different recognizable 8-bit sound effects. We love this funky little sound machine so we had to build this tribute.
Give it a try and don't forget to check out the pre-cut ringtones we made for each sound (tap the top-right icon). Some make for pretty obnoxious ringtones, but they may come in handy if you need a particularly jolting alert.
Please check out our other apps if you are looking for some really nice sounding ringtones!
The PELAKSANA atau ECHO KEYLLER adalah mainan kecil yang aneh Anda mungkin ingat dari jalan kembali. Itu membuat 8 efek suara 8-bit dikenali berbeda. Kami mencintai suara mesin kecil ini yang funky jadi kami harus membangun upeti ini.
Cobalah dan jangan lupa untuk memeriksa ringtones pre-cut yang kami buat untuk setiap suara (tekan ikon kanan atas). Beberapa membuat nada dering yang cukup menjengkelkan, tetapi mereka mungkin berguna jika Anda perlu waspada terutama menyentak.
Silakan periksa aplikasi kami yang lain jika Anda sedang mencari beberapa nada dering terdengar benar-benar baik!
The EXECUTOR or ECHO KEYLLER is a strange little toy you may remember from way back. It makes 8 different recognizable 8-bit sound effects. We love this funky little sound machine so we had to build this tribute.
Give it a try and don't forget to check out the pre-cut ringtones we made for each sound (tap the top-right icon). Some make for pretty obnoxious ringtones, but they may come in handy if you need a particularly jolting alert.
Please check out our other apps if you are looking for some really nice sounding ringtones!